Personal Training Tips and Fitness Blog
Your Discipline isn't the Reason You Haven't Lost Weight!
Most people think their lack of discipline is the reason they aren’t hitting their goals.
They might have moments of strength where they’re able to resist temptation but it’s usually short-lived.
But the truth is your discipline isn’t the problem.
The Meal Plan You Really Need to Start Losing Weight
Most people are looking for the next best thing. Something to follow and feel successful. The meal plan you really need to start losing weight is…
Be Your Own Hero
It's easy to get so frustrated with the short-sighted aspirations that you end up doing nothing for days, weeks, and even years. Physical health isn’t just about lifting weights and losing fat to feel beach-ready, it’s about the ability to take your life and steer towards the future you want.
This is the Only Thing That Matters for Weight Loss...
Last week we did an interview with Amanda of Exp Realty and also a Beloved Ninja (you can see it by clicking here), she asked us what we would recommend for someone wanting to shed off the quarantine weight.
And I gave her three recommendations (plus one I'm adding today)…
My Life Began After College Football Ended
I needed one last physical to officially be a part of the University of Central Florida’s football team.
I trained my ass off that summer.
I'm talking two-a-days, a few sleepless nights, and deep-diving into every sports training book I could find.
How Winners Handle Stress
Most people think they need to remove stress to feel better and happier but the truth is stress will always be there.
The key to finding sustainability in your health, fitness, and overall happiness is learning how to manage it.
Ice Cream + Weight Loss?
You’ve been lied to!
They tell you that if you want to look and feel your best, you have to be MISERABLE and follow a diet.
But that’s totally Bullsh*t!
You're Too Skinny
“You’re so skinny.”
“You need to eat more.”
“I just want to feed you a burger.”
Those were a few of the many things I was told in High School along with the early part of college.
Stop Complaining & Do This Instead!
I could tell by the look in her eyes she was infuriated by the yet again, increase in weight.
She took a step back to put her shoes on and mumbled under her breath, “the same bullsh*t!”
Belonging Matters
Remember that time in high school or college when you had your crew. Your crew was the people you connected with who had some of the same beliefs as you.