Your Discipline isn't the Reason You Haven't Lost Weight!

Most people think their lack of discipline is the reason they aren’t hitting their goals.

They might have moments of strength where they’re able to resist temptation but it’s usually short-lived.

And before you know it, you cave in and go for seconds or get that blue cookie monster from Kelly’s Ice Cream after knowing damn well you overate during dinner (oh yea I just got personal lol).

But the truth is your discipline is not the problem!

And the longer you harp on it, the longer you’re going to be struggling with this.

pug in a blanket

Most of us spend so much time worrying about things we can’t completely control like willpower to not eat junk or binge-watching Game of Thrones.

All of your problems come down to one simple thing…your ENVIRONMENT!

Your environment plays a tremendous role in what you consistently do; it's a predictor of habits.

Many people think they’re lacking determination and willpower but in reality, they have so many obstacles to overcome just because the places they hang the most are structured for them to fail. ⁣

If you spend your night seating in front of the tv, guess what will happen?

10 episodes in one night!

If you have nothing but junk in the house, guess what will happen?

Someone will eventually eat it; most likely you!

fast foods and soda

If the easy and convenient decision is the one you don’t want to keep making then you need to completely change your space.⁣

I will say this again because I think it’s so important!

Many people think they’re lacking determination and willpower but in reality, they have so many obstacles to overcome just because the places they hang the most are structured for them to fail. ⁣

You have to direct the subconscious parts of your life if you want a different outcome. ⁣

Some ideas are…⁣

  • putting out fruit so it’s visible at home.⁣

  • having conversations to let people know how to support you.⁣

  • avoid buying any junk so you have to leave home/work to grab it.⁣

  • putting workout clothes/shoes out so you see them more often and hopefully use them.⁣

  • & have a reverse alarm to leave the living room and go to your bedroom—where there isn’t a tv—so you aren’t up to 3 am watching another Game of Thrones character get killed for no reason.

The people who are achieving what you want aren’t doing it because they have more discipline than you, but it’s more natural for them to do because of an environment that encourages them to stay consistent—whether on purpose or not.⁣

How can you change your space so it encourages you to move forward?⁣

Josh Jensen

Josh is an ACSM certified personal trainer, author, and ex-collegiate football player in the Central Florida area. His education includes a Bachelors of Science at The University of Central Florida, physical therapy undergrad courses and pre-clinical experience. Josh is ranked as one of the top 10 trainers in the Central Florida Gold’s Gym Franchise, specializing in fat loss. He is currently training out of the Dr. Phillips location. His philosophy is that training should be fun, stress-free and personalized to your life.


Your Problem Isn't Junk Eating...It's This!


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