Personal Training Tips and Fitness Blog
How to Start Training Power After 50?
Should you start training power after 50? If you think it’s too late - you’ve been lied to!!! :)
Here’s how you can get started!
5 Lifting Hacks You Should Be Using If You Want to Reduce Pain & Be More Efficient
Exercise is hard and it can be even bigger challenge when you think about how long it can take and if you ever get an injury. Here are 5 tips you might not be doing and you should highly consider.
Will Protein Make You Big & Bulky?
Will eating protein make you big and bulky like a bodybuilder? Many people think eating protein will make them get huge. Here’s what you need to know!
Are You Burning Enough Calories During Your Workout?
Most people gauge the effectiveness of their workout based on how many calories they burn and the reality is this.
Fitness Doesn’t Have a Look
The Fitness Industry will tell you that you NEED to look a certain way to be sexy and fit but that’s BULLSHIT!
You Don’t Need to Get Healthier
You don't need to get healthier and here's why...No one can convince you that your health is important except you. & you don't have to do anything because you are the driver of your life. But regardless if your health & fitness is a priority right now you only have 2 choices!
6 Secrets the Fitness Industry Doesn't Want You to Know
There are a few things the fitness industry doesn’t want you to know. This might ruffle a few feathers and I’m okay with that if it helps someone make a better decision and have a more sustainable path to get healthy.
3 Easy Ways to Eat More Protein
If you want some serious results in the gym, it’s going to take more than just pushing yourself harder - you gotta get the nutrition piece down. One of the best things you can do is focus on getting more protein in your diet. Here’s how you can do it.
1200 Calories is Not the Answer…This is!
Most people are way too aggressive with their diets and it’s a big reason why most people struggle. The first assumption is that 1200 calories is the all mighty number to lose weight but the truth is it’s the reason most people are so frustrated.
One Way to Start Being More Consistent in Your Fitness
Why do you do this to yourself? You get fixated on this thought of going all in and drastically changing your lifestyle overnight. You know you should start working out, eating better, cooking food, and spending less money on shit that you’ll regret after...so you decide to switch all of this tomorrow. Then…
How to Train Your Core During Pregnancy
Now that you have this precious cargo, you’re going to find doing some of your ab exercises on the ground is now a bit more challenging but that doesn’t mean you have to completely stop training your core.
What Training Should I do to Lose Weight?
If you've been struggling to transform your body and you're not sure what type of training you should do this is for you!
How to do Kegel Exercises
Whether you’re pregnant, looking to be pregnant soon, or already had a little ninja this exercise will be your best friend.
3 Ways We’re Helping New Year’s Resolutions Stick
With 2022 here, many people have goals they want to tackle. Research shows 90% of New Year’s Resolutions are fitness related. Here are 3 ways to make sure yours actually stick this year.
Enjoy Your Weekend & Still Get Gains
We all know that’s no way to live and finding sustainability is the key but let’s be honest it’s hard. But imagine a life where you’re somewhere in the middle. Here’s how you can do it…
3 Sneaky Reasons You're Not Losing Weight
If you're struggling to lose weight or simply fit into those jeans again, you might want to pay attention to these three SIMPLE yet frustrating things you could be dropping the ball on.
Your Problem Isn't Junk Eating...It's This!
For some weird reason when people want to get healthy, their first thought is to cut out everything for x amount of days and to be honest - I think it's one of the worst things to do.
Your Discipline isn't the Reason You Haven't Lost Weight!
Most people think their lack of discipline is the reason they aren’t hitting their goals.
They might have moments of strength where they’re able to resist temptation but it’s usually short-lived.
But the truth is your discipline isn’t the problem.
Still Looking for the Fastest Way to Lose Weight?
You want to see change NOW but you also know that it takes time for you to get there. Usually, you’ll go right back to what worked last time and it’s common to think if it worked before it will definitely work again. But here’s the truth no one wants to tell you…
The Meal Plan You Really Need to Start Losing Weight
Most people are looking for the next best thing. Something to follow and feel successful. The meal plan you really need to start losing weight is…