Personal Training Tips and Fitness Blog
Still Looking for the Fastest Way to Lose Weight?
You want to see change NOW but you also know that it takes time for you to get there. Usually, you’ll go right back to what worked last time and it’s common to think if it worked before it will definitely work again. But here’s the truth no one wants to tell you…
Cardio Is Wasting Your Time
When most people commit to losing weight they usually add an extensive cardio routine to their plans. On the surface, it seems like a no-brainer, but in reality, it can actually be more harmful than good!
3 Mistakes Women Make When Trying to Lose Weight
Losing weight is hard; especially for women. Guys can lose weight FAST! They stop drinking a few Yuenglings and start working out a couple of days a week and…poof—weight disappears. Women, I feel your frustrations. To make matters even worse, the advice that is given to you is one of the main reasons you don’t look and feel the way you dream of.
Belonging Matters
Remember that time in high school or college when you had your crew. Your crew was the people you connected with who had some of the same beliefs as you.
Does Sweating More Equal More Weight Loss?
I’m sure you overheard Suzy saying, “I lose so much weight doing my cycling class. I sweat like a pig in there.” So was she right? The more you sweat the more weight you lose?