Are You Burning Enough Calories During Your Workout?

Damn I only burned 250 calories while this guy beside me burned 800 calories WTF!!!


man holding a dumbell

Most people gauge the effectiveness of their workout based on how many calories they burn and the reality is this...

Your calorie tracker does a horrible job of actually predicting how many calories you burn. 

You could have it on the wrong activity and it could be 40% difference and that alone tells you these trackers are only a guess.

Tracking your calories as a mean of success is a horrible way to measure your progress not only because trackers usually suck but working out to burn calories is a belief that typically results in inconsistency. 

smartwatch on wrist

Here's what you should focus on instead...

Let your nutrition and non-exercise activity (steps throughout the day) handle your deficit to lose weight.

personal trainer talking to client

Let your training be where you build strength, endurance, shape to your body, mental resiliency, and improvements on what your body can do and how it feels.

personal training working out

This mindset shift is one of the absolute best things you can do for amazing progress.

When you focus on what your body can do and how it feels, you stop getting caught up in the perpetual cycle of exercising as punishment for overeating, killing yourself to burn more calories, and having a negative relationship with moving your body.

Need some help with your exercise & nutrition?

Schedule a health & hotness session and let us give you a few nuggets that will unlock clarity and strategy to get you through any obstacles you may be encountering.


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