Fiercely Fit helps people transform physically & mentally while taking control over their fitness.

Over 6 weeks, you'll dive into a training program that will help you get toned, learn nutrition techniques that focus on losing stubborn fat while fueling your body to perform, & get snuggled by a team of loving humans who truly want you to succeed.

Enter below for a chance to win a FREE entry ($347 value), $50 shop card at Athleta, & a 10% discount on Fiercely Fit even if you don’t win.

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Win a $50 Athleta Shop Card & Entry in Fiercely Fit in Six Weeks

What Does Fiercely Fit in Six Weeks Entail?

  • The Fierce Success Guide so you know exactly what to do

  • A minimum of 3 workouts per week to give your bod exactly what it needs to build one strong & hot physique (could be more classes depending on membership)

  • An in-person workshop (also streamed virtually) to overview Fiercely Fit so you have no questions or concerns before getting started

  • Weekly Nutrition + Lesson meetup called Fiercely Fit Huddles on Saturdays at 2pm (also streamed virtually)

  • Weekly emails for education, implementation, & support so you always have everything you need to know

  • Unlimited email and text support so you can have access to us at anytime

  • FB group to connect and share success tips

  • Celebratory Party w/ Photoshoot because you’re going to be #slayed

  • The top 2 transformations gets their registration money back

  • Accountability team so you have a small group of people in your corner working to make sure no ninja is left behind

  • Unlimited dance breakout parties (pants optional)

Fiercely Fit was created from the pure desire to help our friends find a scientific based transformation program that they can stick with and actually enjoy. 

It was so frustrating to see people we love so dearly spend tons of money on pointless things like detox shakes and put their bodies through extreme dietary measures thinking that was the only way to change their physique.

And to make matters worse, they usually never did any strength training because it was so intimidating to step into a gym. Trying their best not to hurt themselves or look dumb by doing exercises wrong…usually resorted them back to what was comfortable, cardio on the treadmill. 

We knew there was a better way!

Good coaching wasn’t yelling at you with copy & paste motivational quotes or beating you into a puddle of sweat. It was helping you feel empowered, strong, and inspired to give your best. Meeting you where you are and showing you the fastest and safest route to your destination. 

That’s why the Fiercely Fit in Six Weeks is designed to teach you the big rocks of fitness & nutrition and remove all the fluff.

Imagine if getting to your health & hotness goals were simple and all you had to do was follow the roadmap.

How would things be if you had:

  • A strong and capable body?

  • A better relationship with food?

  • More energy to show up for those who depend on you?

  • Confidence out of this world?

It all can happen; I promise you that!

And even if you’ve never be a consistent gym person, we can help you get there. 

Working in the fitness industry for over 9 years, we have seen a lot and helped so many people have breakthrough transformations. We’ve gathered everything that has worked wonders and most importantly…we realized what things were a big waste of time. 

So if you decide that Fiercely Fit sounds right for you, we will do absolutely everything humanly possible to make sure you’re successful.